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Run custom valuation reports
Step 2: Input Financials
How do I generate an Excel template?
Do I enter the financial projections data by fiscal year or by calendar year?
Where do I learn more about the line items asked about in the financial projections input template?
How are my financial projections used in the valuation?
What sign convention do I use to enter the requested financial information?
What do I do if my company’s financials contain line items that are not shown in the financial projections input template?
Why doesn’t Valer ask for the company’s net income?
What should I enter as the normalized tax rate?
What happens if the company I am valuing is not yet profitable?
What happens if the company I am valuing is pre-revenue?
What historical financial information is actually required?
What do I select for the stub period date and valuation date?
What is the “stub period"?
What does selecting the “units for financials” impact?
How should I formulate my financial projections?
Step 4: Select Comparables
What are public company comparables ("comps")?
How do I choose public comps in Valer?
Why do I need to enter a private peer and two public comps to generate my comps?
How are the Cyndx recommended public comps generated?
Which companies should I select from the public comps generated by Cyndx?
What types of multiples are shown on the Multiples tab?
How does Valer calculate multiples for the public comps?
Does Valer use fiscal years or calendar years for the financial metrics used to calculate public comp multiples?
Who can use Valer?
Does Valer support Valuations performed in currencies other than USD?
Where do I enter balance sheet information?
What information do I need to generate a valuation?
Which valuation methodologies are included?
How long will it take to generate a report?
How accurate is the valuation generated by Cyndx Valer?
How can I use the information in this report?
What differentiates Valer from other valuation tools?
Is this a 409a valuation?