Public Comparables analysis entails comparing publicly traded companies operating in a similar sector and location to the company being valued. It operates on the assumption similar companies within a sector cohort should have like valuation multiples, such as EV/EBITDA or EV/SALES.
Comparable company analysis starts with identifying the appropriate peer group, which is critical, because it plays a significant role in the valuation results of the target company. Cyndx Finder, with its ability to harness machine learning to map sector landscapes takes away the subjectiveness of this first step, selecting the public comps along with incorporating their financial metrics.
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Various types of operating and equity multiples can be utilized with Public Comparables Analysis, which can be trailing and/or projected into the future. Selecting the right multiples for this exercise is central to producing a credible valuation report. From these public company multiples and the variances between lows & highs, investors can imply potential enterprise values of a target company.