Step 2: Input Financials
How do I generate an Excel template?
Do I enter the financial projections data by fiscal year or by calendar year?
Where do I learn more about the line items asked about in the financial projections input template?
How are my financial projections used in the valuation?
What sign convention do I use to enter the requested financial information?
What do I do if my company’s financials contain line items that are not shown in the financial projections input template?
Why doesn’t Valer ask for the company’s net income?
What should I enter as the normalized tax rate?
What happens if the company I am valuing is not yet profitable?
What happens if the company I am valuing is pre-revenue?
What historical financial information is actually required?
What do I select for the stub period date and valuation date?
What is the “stub period"?
What does selecting the “units for financials” impact?
How should I formulate my financial projections?