If you are able to access cyndx.com and app.cyndx.com, but are having issues resetting your password, please follow the steps below:
1) Verify that email was received
If you have not received the password reset email, please reach out to [email protected]
See related article: I did not receive Cyndx email
2) Verify that you can access the password reset page
3) If you cannot access the password reset page, refresh your browser
4) Try a different browser
5) Try resetting your password from a different device, e.g. a cell phone
6) If the problem persists, it may be possible that your network only allows you to access domains that have been whitelisted. Please submit cyndx.com and all subdomains and cyndx.dev and all subdomains for whitelisting
For a complete list of all Cyndx domains, see below.
See related article: I cannot access Cyndx
7) If you continue to experience this issue, please contact [email protected] for further troubleshooting
Domain List
For additional questions regarding access to Cyndx, contact [email protected].