Running a Raiser search while our team is in the process of adding your company to our dataset is still possible on Cyndx.
If you would like your company to be mapped on Cyndx please see: How to get my company mapped. For your Raiser run to be successful without having your company mapped, the search will be based off a company that you believe is your primary competitor and also in our dataset.
To Start getting your company mapped navigate to Raiser
Put your company's closest competitor in the Company Seeking Investor field
Under 'Primary Competitor' use another secondary competitor as your primary competitor has already been added by you in the field above
Fill the rest of the fields (Raise Amount and Revenue) based on the type of fundraise you're doing
Best Practices when using a primary competitor company as a proxy
Since your company is not mapped, Cyndx will use the Primary Competitor as Proxy to run the search. To optimize your search you're going to want to use the competitor company that is most comparable to yours.
Related Articles: How to get my company mapped | I can't find a company in the search bar | Raiser Best Practices