If you're unable to find your target company, we might not have it in our database. Not to worry! You can submit a request and we will get that company added shortly.
Can't find Company
Navigate to Raiser
When the company (name or domain) is not populating, you will see a message pop up under "Don't see the company you're looking for?" Select the link next to it
Type in the company (name or domain) you would like to add and click on the blue highlighted text to submit your request
How to add Company into our database
When clicking that link, a small modal will pop up, fill in the following fields
4. Enter the Company's Name, Address if applicable, and the Website Url
5. When fields are field in, Click Add to database.
Once you have successfully added the company to our database, you will get a confirmation by seeing this small message pop on the bottom of the screen, our data team will begin on getting that company mapped and adding it to our database.
In the Meantime
If you still would like to run your Raiser search, you can use your most comparable competitor in place of Company Seeking Investor tab, this will help you run your fundraise search without having to have. your company mapped. See articles below
Related articles: How do I get my company mapped? | What if my company is not mapped? | What If my company does not have an active website? | How can I identify the right investors if my company is in stealth mode? |