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Fairness Opinions

Fairness Opinion | Filter for companies with FOs | Private Company Multiples | Valuing | Precedent Transactions

Wendy Canady avatar
Written by Wendy Canady
Updated over a week ago

The Fairness Opinion dataset, first of its kind in the market, allows instant access to an easily readable Fairness Opinion overview including financial analyses public comps, precedent transactions and DCF.


How to filter fairness opinion?

  1. Go to the Finder page to begin your Finder search around a company(s) or concept(s).

  2. After selecting companies or concepts to search by, click on the filtering menu located on the right of the Finder search box.

  3. Underneath 'Company Type' is where you'll find 'Fairness Opinion' listed. Click the toggle so it's now blue.

  4. Click 'Apply Filters' and then hit your 'Search' button to search for companies that include Fairness Opinions.

Within your results, you'll see a 'Fairness Opinion Available' tagged underneath the company name and website as seen below:

How to view Fairness Opinion?

The Fairness Opinion dataset, first of its kind in the market, allows instant access to an easily readable Fairness Opinion overview including financial analyses public comps, precedent transactions and DCF.

Fairness Opinion details under Target's Profile

  1. Go to the Finder page to search for the company(s) or concepts(s) and apply filter "Fairness Opinion" in order to see most closely related opinions that have been done.

  2. After selecting company to search by, go to their company profile.

  3. Underneath Portfolio tab, look for Portfolio Companies, and click the Fairness Opinions tab.

  4. Click the Fairness Opinion link to have a full view of Transactions Overview, Public Comps, Precedent Transactions and DCF Analysis. Explore each tab to see the details.

Fairness Opinion details under Acquirer's Profile

  1. Go to the Finder page to search for the company(s) or concepts(s) and apply filter "Fairness Opinion" in order to see most closely related opinions that have been done.

  2. After selecting company to search by, go to their company profile.

  3. Underneath Portfolio tab, look for Portfolio Companies, and click the Acquisitions tab.

  4. Inside Acquisitions Tab, there you can see the link for Fairness Opinion details.

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