Learn more: Companies tables

Explorer queries | Companies

Wendy Canady avatar
Written by Wendy Canady
Updated over a week ago


The "Companies" project in the explorer tool is a looker model-driven project that provides a comprehensive view of all corporate entities in the Cyndx database. The project consists of multiple models that are centered around the selected company. This allows users to select a company and explore its information in detail, including its business operations, financial performance, and other relevant data. This project provides valuable insights for companies and investors who are interested in understanding the business landscape and the performance of individual entities. The main model in the Companies project is a dimension model that contains all corporate entities in the Cyndx database. This model provides a comprehensive list of all companies and their relevant information, such as industry, location, and size. Other related models in the Companies project are centered around the selected company and provide more detailed information about the company's operations, financials, and other relevant data. These models are joined to the main dimension model using a Cyndx ID as the primary key.

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