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Getting Started: Cyndx Explorer Tour

Get Started | Explorer dashboard | Customize lists | Queries

Wendy Canady avatar
Written by Wendy Canady
Updated over 6 months ago

Cyndx's powerful BI Explorer tool allows you direct, uninhibited access to the most comprehensive dataset of private company information available anywhere:

  • Build unlimited queries from Cyndx's massive dataset of private company information and save them as charts

  • Customize Finder lists with any relevant data fields available in our dataset

  • Track what's happening in the spaces most important to you through your customized Dashboard view

  • One touch save, share and export capabilities

Schedule a meeting with our Support team for more information on our Explorer tool and query building.

In this article, we will take you through a guided tour of Explorer with step-by-step instructions to get started. Visit our Explorer Help Center for more information.

Welcome to Explorer! Let us show you around.

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Watch "Intro to Cyndx Explorer" video

How to access Explorer

Navigate to Explorer, select New from the top Navigation bar, and choose the option to Query from tables in the dropdown.

Read more: How to access Explorer

View a guided tour of Explorer with step-by-step instructions to get started and visit our Explorer Help Center for more helpful articles.

Building a new query from tables: What's on the page

  • On the left hand side, you will see the Entity which amalgamates all models in Explorer

  • To the right, you will see query results and options:

    • Filters - Filters allow you to set the parameters of your query by choosing a smaller part of the data set and using that subset for viewing or analysis

      • Also see Lists and Finder search

    • Cyndy - Cyndy is an AI that allows you to write query using a simple phrase/sentence, and create filters and dimensions best fit to your input.

    • Charts - Charts allow you to view and analyze the data in an easy to understand format

      • Also see additional export options

    • Results - Explore the results of your query

  • Top buttons:

    • Run query - Hit this button to run your query

    • Save chart - Save your results in your space

    • Copy query link - Quickly copies your query link to share with teammates

    • Industry lookup - Reveals a list of all industry classifications

    • Reset - A "clear all" in the query space

Get Started: A step-by-step guide to building queries from tables

Step 1: Select the Entity table to begin your query

From here, you will see a list of all sub-tables (or Models) you can apply to your query. Hover over to reveal a brief description of what's included. Each sub-table will drop down further to expose all dimensions (fields) available.

Step 2: Choose the Dimensions you wish to display

Click on any dimension to add to the desired field under the Results section.
In this example, we have added the Entity Name, which is the Company Name

Note: You may also start by selecting a List (saved in Finder) or run a Finder search from the Filters section to center your query, and select the desired dimensions to display. Drop down the Filters to see more options.

Step 3: Set Filters as the parameters of your query

Filters allow you to narrow the scope of your query by parameters such as geography, a window of time, a contact title, or more.

In this example, we are filtering for companies in the biopharmaceutical space that are Projected to Raise.

Step 4: Save, Share or Export your query

Once you have created and run your query, you may want to return to it later.
At the top right of the screen, you will see the option to Save your chart to your own space, or hit the Copy Query Link icon to share with teammates. Or to download, see Export options below.

To save your chart, hit Save Chart, name it, and select the Space in which you would like it to appear.

Also see:
How to create, edit, delete an Explorer chart
How to save a chart to a space or dashboard

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