How to edit notes

Edit Notes | Financing Rounds | Security Terms

Wendy Canady avatar
Written by Wendy Canady
Updated over a week ago

When setting up Financing Rounds , Security Terms, Issued Securities, or Draft Securities in Cyndx Owner, you will have the option to add notes for yourself or investors. After set up, notes can be added or edited at any time following the steps below.

Navigate to Note

1. Go to Owner

2. On the left-hand navigation bar, select Securities

3. Click on the section under Securities where you’d like to edit or add new notes: Financing Rounds , Security Terms, Issued Securities, or Draft Securities

Edit Notes for a Financing Round or Security Term

4. Click on the Edit button (pencil icon) of the selection you would like to edit

5. Add/change the relevant notes and click Update

Edit Notes for a Drafted or Issued Security

4. Click the Actions menu (arrow icon) on the right-hand side of the security you would like to edit

5. Select the option to edit/modify

6. Add/change the relevant notes and click Update

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